About Me

H. Ferry Taslim, SH., M.Hum., M.Si., Dt. Toembidjo adalah putra asli Kapau yang lahir di Jorong Padang Cantiang pada 26 Februari 1969. Berkarier di dunia hukum sejak 1994, beliau menempuh pendidikan di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Andalas dan meraih gelar pascasarjana di UGM. Berbagai jabatan penting telah diembannya, termasuk sebagai Kajari Bukittinggi dan Asisten Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara Kejati Sulawesi Selatan.

Dikenal sebagai pemimpin tegas dan inovatif, beliau menggagas berbagai program seperti Konsultasi Hukum Gratis, Jaksa Masuk Balai Adat (JAMBA), dan Jaksa Masuk Sekolah (JAMILAH). Selain kiprah di bidang hukum, beliau juga aktif dalam dunia akademik dan kuliner dengan memperkenalkan Nasi Kapau ke berbagai daerah.

Sebagai Niniak Mamak dengan gelar Dt. Toembidjo, beliau terus menginspirasi generasi muda Kapau dengan dedikasi dan komitmennya dalam membangun masyarakat yang berintegritas. Semoga kiprah dan inovasinya terus memberikan manfaat bagi banyak orang.

Riwayat Karier

  • Tahun 1994 CPNS, Kejati Sumatera Barat

  • Tahun 1996 Kasubsi Pengawasan Mass Media dan Bahan Cetakan Seksi Intelijen, Kejati Sumatera Barat

  • Tahun 1999 Kasi Intelijen, Kejari Lubuk Sikaping

  • Tahun 1999 Jaksa Fungsional, Kejati D.I Yogyakarta

  • Tahun 2002 Jaksa Fungsional, Kejari Jakarta Pusat

  • Tahun 2004 Kasi Pidum, Kejari Kolaka

  • Tahun 2008 Kasubag. Pembinaan, Kejari Sidoarjo

  • Tahun 2008 Ka. Unit Pengkajian & Evaluasi Satgas TP. Terorisme dan TP. Lintas Negara, pada JAM Pidum Kejaksaan Agung RI

  • Tahun 2010 Ka. Unit Penuntutan & Upaya Hukum Satgas TPTLN, Kejaksaan Agung RI

  • Tahun 2011 Koordinator Pidana Khusus, Kejati Sulawesi Selatan

  • Tahun 2011 Pelaksana Tugas Kajari Malili

  • Tahun 2012 Pelaksana Tugas Kajari Takalar

  • Tahun 2012 Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Takalar

  • Tahun 2016 Asisten Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus, Kejati Kepri

  • Tahun 2019 Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Bukittinggi

  • Tahun 2020 Kepala Bidang Program dan Evaluasi Litbang Kejaksaan, Kejaksaan Agung RI

  • Tahun 2022 Kepala Bidang Strategi Kebijakan Penegakan Hukum Intelijen, Pidana, dan Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara, Kejaksaan Agung RI

  • Tahun 2022 Asisten Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara, Kejati Sulawesi Selatan

A laptop displaying a website design with the phrase 'Build your dream website.' next to a minimalistic building image. The scene also includes a modern mug and a smartphone placed on a wooden desk.
A laptop displaying a website design with the phrase 'Build your dream website.' next to a minimalistic building image. The scene also includes a modern mug and a smartphone placed on a wooden desk.


Temukan inspirasi dari karya-karya yang telah kami buat.

A graphic design with circular elements creating a hypnotic pattern. The central focus is a logo consisting of overlapping colored shapes, surrounded by concentric circles with gradients. The background features a subtle grid pattern with soft lighting effects.
A graphic design with circular elements creating a hypnotic pattern. The central focus is a logo consisting of overlapping colored shapes, surrounded by concentric circles with gradients. The background features a subtle grid pattern with soft lighting effects.
A digital artwork featuring a stylized Instagram logo centered on a circular, beige background. The logo is neon with a gradient of purple, pink, and blue. Surrounding the logo are various colored spheres in shades of red, orange, and yellow.
A digital artwork featuring a stylized Instagram logo centered on a circular, beige background. The logo is neon with a gradient of purple, pink, and blue. Surrounding the logo are various colored spheres in shades of red, orange, and yellow.
A bright yellow sign displaying the Mailchimp logo with a cartoon monkey face wearing a hat next to the brand name in bold black letters.
A bright yellow sign displaying the Mailchimp logo with a cartoon monkey face wearing a hat next to the brand name in bold black letters.
A laptop displaying a webpage with the text 'I design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple.' is placed on a wooden table. It is set in an outdoor seating area with white furniture and greenery in the background. The setting appears to be calm and conducive to work or relaxation.
A laptop displaying a webpage with the text 'I design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple.' is placed on a wooden table. It is set in an outdoor seating area with white furniture and greenery in the background. The setting appears to be calm and conducive to work or relaxation.
The image depicts a modern indoor setting with posters on a wall featuring a professional headshot and text related to marketing. Silhouetted figures are seated at tables in the foreground, casting shadows. The lighting is dim, creating contrast between the illuminated posters and darker seating area.
The image depicts a modern indoor setting with posters on a wall featuring a professional headshot and text related to marketing. Silhouetted figures are seated at tables in the foreground, casting shadows. The lighting is dim, creating contrast between the illuminated posters and darker seating area.